The Computer Science Major Answers...
The Internet is one of the most efficient ways to transfer information to a
large number of people, without the need to be directly available, or tie up
personal resources.

The Philosophy Major Answers...
Wow, how long have you been here? And, you're already asking the really
hard questions. I like it. Could I say, in the Existential sense (if there is
an Existential sense) that this page exists for its own sake, or that
it's existence precedes its reason for existing? Perhaps it acquires a reason
for existing by hyper- linking istelf to itself, and to the self which created

The Business Minor Answers...
I'm trying make my Résumé available,
have you seen my Résumé?

The Psychology Minor Answers...
Tell me more about why you think it exists?

The Linguistics Expert Answers...
Ummm...der...I.... umm...

Heraclitus Answers...
You cannot step twice into the same web page; for other and ever other web
pages flow on.

The Buddhist Answers...
There is no WebPage.

Creative responses and deliberate misquotes are written by Brian Mistler.
Copyright © 2000-2002 [Brian J. Mistler]. All rights reserved.
Revised: June 07, 2002