Brian J. Mistler was born in the U.S.A. in a small Missouri town, and moved with
his sister – a year and a half his junior – and his parents to Florida when he
was twelve. He remained on the west coast of Florida with his parents (who soon
divorced) until 1998 when he chose to attend Stetson University, a small private
liberal arts school near Daytona Beach. During his time at Stetson Brian served
actively as the president of the college chapter of Habitat for Humanity,
chairman of the Inter-fraternity Judicial Board, and was elected President of
the Student Government. In this latter capacity, Brian worked closely with the
Faculty Senate and President’s Staff, served on the University Board of
Trustees, College of Arts & Science Curriculum Committee, and chaired and/or
served on various other committees. With thesis work in theoretical and applied
multivalent logic, in the spring of 2001, he completed his Batchelor of Science
in Philosophy and Computer Science, and a Batchelor of Arts in Humanities (with
a Psychology minor). Current research interests include: analogical reasoning
and its role in learning and (worldview) mediation, comparative religion, and
the role of family relationships in business and politics. After graduation
Brian traveled to work with the Alliance for International Reforestation in
rural Guatemala. It is through the generous support of the Rotary Foundation of
Rotary International that Brian is now able to attend the University of
Bradford’s MA program in Conflict Resolution.

Last Updated:
Friday, June 07, 2002
Written by Brian Mistler. Information is not to be reproduced
without consent.
Copyright © 2000-2002 [Brian J. Mistler]. All rights reserved.
